Monday, December 8, 2008

Hand Made items

Do you ever go into Wal-Mart and wonder why you ever went in there?? Yuck! No help, huge crowds and long lines. What you find there is what you find in all those big box stores. How about try shopping for unique gifts, one of a kind items, custom, made to order!! Go to Etsy and find everything your little hearts desire, from NICE people, where you know your money is going to someone deserving and paid fairly and not someone who lives in a tiny dorm room in China that Walmart pays $3. for a days work. For more info on why you shouldn't buy from Wal-Mart join facebook group

"I promise to protest Wal Mart"

Make Jam!!

What better way to be friendly on the environment and cut down on needless spending than make your own food! Think of how much travel your food has to make to get to your plate. Also imagine the chemicals they spray on your food to make sure they get more crops and more money. Make your own gifts that people will actually like for certain! Here is a pdf file that shows with pictures step by step how to make your own jam! Cost effective, tasty and fun! We bought these berries at a local farm but in the summer when my blackberry bush is bursting I plan on making some from that. All you need is sugar, your favorite fruit and some liquid pectin!! Good luck!

Step by Step Photo directions for Jam

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Smart Consuming

A powerpoint presentation regarding the affects of consumption and commercialism on our children and our environment.

Click on 'presentation' to view

The World's Most Ethical Shoe...

... can be found here. There's even pictures of the factory!

Shop Smart: Stay Away from Sweatshop-Produced Goods

Before conducting this research, my mental image of a sweatshop was of a damp, unsanitary room where dozens of young women and children sat next to sewing machines, making clothing for westerners while being paid a mere few cents every week. Although these types of sweatshops do exist, I've discovered that the very definition of a sweatshop is far-reaching and more inclusive. This sweatshop FAQ contains information about the REAL definition of sweatshops and some startling statistics prior to the year 2000.

Yep, all it takes is a few violations of overtime, safety, and minimum wage rules to be considered a sweatshop. Co-Op America, a not-for-profit organization, created this retailer report card a few years ago.

Here are more recent lists of sweatshop offenders, as well as listings for completely "safe" companies. Although many sweatshops create clothing and footwear, ANY workplace or company can be considered a sweatshop if it violates basic labor rights!

Too Many Toys

Are you tired of too many toys from birthdays?? Of course I want my children to have some toys to play with and to have fun with, but birthdays at our house get way out of control and toys start taking over the house, especially with three spring birthdays! In past years the kids opened their presents, played with them for about a week and after a few months of tripping over them or after I realized the closet was just too full, I'd go to freecycle and give them to other children. This year I thought, what if the kids got something that wasn't a THING and was an activity or people gave to charities in honor of the child. That got me thinking about Matthew first. See, my son Matthew has autism. He definitely has his favorite toys, TRAINS, and also some letter flash cards, which we have plenty of already. At his parties present time is his least favorite time, all the kids gathering around him, laughing loudly, yelling to have him open their present next. Matthew hated the noise, the chaos and the hustle and bustle of kids so close to him. I knew he wouldn't miss the gift time. What if for his birthday he didn't have to go through that tough time and instead received what he really NEEDS? What if each kid that comes to the party donates $10. to autism research in his honor?? That would be a much needed $100.!!! And how good he would feel to go to his walk knowing with his friends' help he would have a generous donation. So this year I made up these post cards to add to his birthday invitations:

I think this idea will work great for my other children and for other kids too! My daughter could collect funds for her sponsor Compassion child , my infant son we can pick a charity for him. Or of course gift cards to go bowling or to the museum would work great too. What is important is not junking up the planet with plastic toys that don't even hold their interest. A much needed lesson about conserving our planet's resources, about how good it is to give to others and the fun of just being together is available!! Help keep our landfills free of useless garbage, don't give junky cheap toys that are made of our planet's resources but rather the gift of giving honor and love!

If you would like to help Matthew with his autism campaign please donate here Matthew autism walk site and THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!

The Story of Stuff

This video explores the true nature of consumable products and its affects on people and the environment:

The Story of Stuff